Refuge wasn't born in a boardroom, it was born on the sidelines in Los Banos. We're a family of five - husband, wife, and 3 active sports boys. After moving here in 2018, we quickly noticed a gap in training options. The parks, while great, were often crowded and offered little protection from the Los Banos weather. Brutal summers reaching 110+ degrees, chilly, wet winters, and relentless winds meant training outdoors wasn't always feasible or fun.

That's when the seed for Refuge was planted. Having coached in Los Banos since 2019, we saw firsthand the need for a safe, secure, and climate-controlled training facility. A place where athletes of all ages could focus on their game year-round, without the limitations of the weather.

Refuge is more than just a gym - it's a refuge from the elements, a place to push your limits and achieve your athletic goals, comfortably and consistently.

Chance Wiseman

I'm a passionate leader fueled by a lifelong love of sports and a dedication to helping young athletes reach their full potential. My experience playing sports instilled in me a strong work ethic and the drive to succeed, both on and off the field.

For the past 11 years, I've had the privilege of coaching and mentoring athletes from ages 3 to 18 years old. My approach is built on a "zero options mentality," where hard work and perseverance are paramount.  I'm not just focused on developing athletic skills, but on fostering confidence and empowering young people to grow into strong, productive adults.

Ashley Wiseman